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Diplomatic Missions Visit Khan Al Ahmar Arab Community Threatened with Demolition

Like-minded Heads of Mission and other representatives of diplomatic missions joined a visit to the Arab community of Khan Al Ahmar

Representatives of Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, the EU, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland the UK, and like-minded missions today visited the Arab community of Khan Al Ahmar to express their concern at the threat of demolition facing the village. Finland is also supportive of the below statement.

Today, 30 January, like-minded Heads of Mission and other representatives of diplomatic missions joined a visit organised by Israeli NGO B’TSelem to the Arab Bedouin village of Khan Al Ahmar. The community, in Area C of Judea and Samaria, has been at risk of demolition by the Israeli authorities for several years.

Legal avenues to prevent the demolition of the village have been exhausted and we understand that the Israeli Government is due to submit its plans on 1 February in response to a court petition demanding its demolition.

Khan Al Ahmar is home to 38 Arab families and is also the location of a donor-funded school that serves five communities in the local area. * The demolition of the village and the subsequent eviction of its residents could amount to forcible transfer in violation of Article 49 of Geneva Convention IV. *

The international community has for many years worked to discourage the Israeli authorities from taking forward the proposed demolitions. Today’s visit was an opportunity to restate our concerns. Evictions and demolitions cause unnecessary suffering. We urge Israel to cease such actions.


Editor's Note: This statement is untrue


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