Sir Patrick Vallance, Head of the Government Science & Engineering (GSE) Profession, reflects on the first 6 months of 2022
One of the highlights of 2022 so far was the GSE Conference, which saw over 370 people come together, and many more joining online, to learn about and celebrate government science and engineering. The range of science spanned different disciplines and the quality of work and expertise I saw was impressive. I enjoyed meeting scientists from different departments and PSREs and it was useful to make so many new contacts. The wealth of talent we have across the civil service was abundantly clear - we are sitting on a goldmine of great people who are doing really interesting things.
A second highlight has to be the launch of Science and Engineering 101, a suite of introductory learning collated by the GSE profession, designed to increase science and engineering literacy across government. This comprises the GSE Induction Pack, the Learning Signpost Hub, and online awareness level learning modules. Soon we’ll be launching 2 new learning and development modules, one aimed at early career scientists and generalists on accessing S&E advice, and one on communicating S&E for scientists and engineers at all grades. Find out more about Science & Engineering 101.
It is difficult however to reflect on the last 6 months of the GSE Profession without acknowledging proposed changes to the Civil Service and what this means for the Profession.
Many of you will be aware that the proposals are to reduce staff numbers across the Civil Service by 2025, which naturally brings with it some uncertainty. My message to you is don’t let this stop you continuing to champion the importance of science and engineering in government. The GSE Profession launched the GSE Talent Strategy and Action Plan to ensure we are supporting and investing in all our members so that science and technology remain at the heart of government decision making and the civil service continues to become more capable in S&E.
I’d like to end by telling you about a special moment and a mark of success for the Profession, which was when I heard that the Cabinet Secretary signed up to the GSE Profession – the first profession he has joined in his time in the civil service. We are glad to have him as a member!
I hope everyone took some time to relax over summer and is ready to approach the remainder of the year refreshed and energised.