by Ram ben Ze'ev

In a dramatic and historic vote, Vice President JD Vance was forced to cast the tie-breaking vote to confirm Pete Hegseth as Secretary of Defense. This unprecedented moment underscored the lengths to which entrenched forces in Washington will go to obstruct President Donald J. Trump’s agenda. Hegseth’s razor-thin confirmation serves as a glaring example of the forces working to undermine the President’s mandate to reform entrenched Deep State cabals. The Senate hearings, supposedly focused on Hegseth’s qualifications, devolved into a calculated attack on his personal life and supposed lack of experience managing the largest employer in the United States—the Department of Defense. But let's be honest: the real objections have little to do with his qualifications and everything to do with preserving the status quo of the military-industrial complex.
Manufactured Outrage Over Qualifications
Hegseth, a decorated combat veteran and staunch advocate for America's military, faced criticism over personal matters that had no bearing on his ability to serve as Secretary of Defense. This distraction was a convenient smokescreen for the military-industrial complex, which fears the reforms Hegseth represents. His appointment threatens the lucrative contracts and unchecked influence these entities have enjoyed for decades. The bipartisan opposition to Hegseth’s confirmation—fueled by Democrat senators and Republican-in-Name-Only (RiNO) lawmakers—exposes their allegiance to the same powers that President Trump aims to dismantle.
While critics lament his supposed lack of experience running the Pentagon, it’s worth noting that few individuals possess such experience outside the establishment itself. That Hegseth comes from outside the establishment is precisely why he’s the right man for the job. His confirmation, though narrow, signals that Americans are fed up with the revolving door of bureaucrats and lobbyists who perpetuate endless wars for profit.
The Looming Challenges for Gabbard and Kennedy
The battles over Pete Hegseth’s confirmation are just the beginning. President Trump’s nominations of Tulsi Gabbard as Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to lead the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) have sparked similar outrage from entrenched interests. These objections are not about Gabbard’s qualifications as a former congresswoman and military officer or Kennedy’s credentials as a relentless advocate for public health reform. Instead, they reveal a deeper fear: that President Trump might actually succeed in dismantling the corrupt systems that have long evaded accountability.
However, while Gabbard and Kennedy face unjust opposition from the Intelligence Community and Big Pharma respectively, it is worth noting their lifelong alignment with Leftist ideologies, which raises serious concerns. As I highlighted in my article, Trump’s Troubling Alliances: Kennedy, Gabbard, and Musk Are Not Conservatives, these individuals do not represent traditional conservative values. Their past affiliations and policy positions warrant caution. Even as they face unwarranted resistance, conservatives must remain vigilant to ensure their appointments do not compromise President Trump’s overarching vision for America.
Gabbard’s outspoken criticism of the Intelligence Community and its abuses makes her a threat to the shadowy operations that have undermined America’s sovereignty. Her leadership at DNI could bring transparency and accountability to an agency that has operated with impunity for too long. Yet, her history of progressive stances demands careful oversight to ensure she stays aligned with the President’s goals.
Similarly, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s commitment to exposing the excesses of Big Pharma and restoring public trust in health agencies terrifies the pharmaceutical-industrial complex. His appointment to DHHS is a direct challenge to the incestuous relationship between regulators and the companies they are supposed to oversee. But Kennedy’s long-standing ties to the Left and his past positions on key issues should not be ignored, even as he takes on this crucial role.
The Deep State’s Desperation
The unified opposition to these appointments underscores the desperation of the Deep State. President Trump’s mandate is clear: to drain the swamp and return power to the American people. Hegseth, Gabbard, and Kennedy represent the kind of bold leadership necessary to achieve this vision. The military-industrial complex, the Intelligence Community, and Big Pharma fear this administration’s resolve, knowing full well that their days of unchecked influence are numbered.
Yet, as Trump continues to surround himself with figures like Kennedy, Gabbard, and even Elon Musk—whose loyalty to conservative principles is questionable at best—it is imperative to remain critical. These alliances may be strategic, but they are not without risks to the conservative movement and the vision of America First.
A Call to Action
The American people must see through the lies and manipulation orchestrated by the Deep State and its media allies. The objections to these appointments are not rooted in genuine concern for governance or the country’s well-being. They are the desperate thrashings of a corrupt system that fears losing its grip on power.
President Trump’s nominations of Hegseth, Gabbard, and Kennedy are a testament to his commitment to putting America first. But as we fight to support these leaders against establishment opposition, we must also hold them accountable to the conservative principles that underpin this movement. Now more than ever, Americans must support bold reforms while keeping a watchful eye on the ideological allegiances of those entrusted with carrying them out. The stakes could not be higher: the fight for the soul of the nation is underway, and the enemies of reform must not be allowed to prevail.
Bill White (Ram ben Ze'ev) is CEO of WireNews Limited, Mayside Partners Limited, MEADHANAN Agency, Kestrel Assets Limited, SpudsToGo Limited and Executive Director of Hebrew Synagogue