SpudsToGo Limited, owned by Mayside Partners Limited, and owner of the global SpudsToGo brand is searching for new fast-food locations.
Are you a landlord, looking to sell your property? Do you operate an existing fast-food outlet, selling jacket potatoes, which would benefit from rebranding? Or would you like to expand your range of products?
Master Franchises
Ideally, the company is interested in small shops for takeaway but will consider large shops depending on the location.
SpudsToGo: The Brand You Already Know ™.
SpudsToGo ® is a registered trademark.
For more information about SpudsToGo visit https://spudstogo.com.
About Mayside Partners
Mayside Partners Limited is a leading venture capital firm, based in Scotland that partners with entrepreneurs to transform their ideas into world-changing products. For more information or to pitch your idea visit https://mayside.com.