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Midday Rant - Apologise for Slavery?

Writer's picture: WireNewsWireNews

by Bill White


They’re at it again, folks. For the love of G-D, Leftists are at it again...

While in Jamaica a couple of days ago, Prince William expressed his 'profound sorrow' at the 'abhorrent' slavery and echoed his father's sentiments, saying it (historical slavery) 'stains' British history in what some people called an 'emotional speech'. Just why he felt he had to say anything is anyone’s guess.

Leftists immediately blasted his words as unacceptable because William failed to grovel and apologise to locals for events that happened hundreds of years before he was born.

I'll blast William's speech because it's complete nonsense.

What Prince William and anyone who has ever asked about this subject should have said is that it's ancient history--Britain abolished slavery in 1805. People who are REALLY concerned with such matters should look toward China and several Arab nations that practice slavery today!

But the Left, who hate Britain and will do whatever they can to degrade its rich history demand is an apology for slavery... Apologise? To WHOM? Every victim of slavery that took place at the hands of the British Commonwealth is long dead. Who would we be apologising to?

These insane militant Leftists are NATURALLY demanding reparations. Of course, they are... It’s always about money with these people… Reparations are always sought by the idiots who wrongly believe money paid to SOMEONE by government is the government's money. It's not. It's the taxpayers' money, and none of Britain’s taxpayers have contributed in any way to anyone ever being enslaved.

They’re insane. The whole proposition is ridiculous!


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