The text of the following joint statement was released by the Governments of the United States and Indonesia on the occasion of the second U.S.-Indonesia Strategic Dialogue

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Secretary Antony J. Blinken and Minister Retno L.P. Marsudi adopted this Joint Statement on the occasion of the U.S.-Indonesia- Ministerial Strategic Dialogue held in Jakarta, Indonesia, on July 14, 2023.
Both Secretary Blinken and Minister Retno recognize that bilateral ties have grown stronger since the United States and Indonesia established diplomatic relations on December 29, 1949. These relations continue to strengthen based on shared values and principles of democracy, good governance, growing defense cooperation, respect for human rights and the rule of law, as well as common interests globally and regionally, including an inclusive, open, and rules-based Indo-Pacific that promotes peace, stability, and prosperity.
The two countries elevated their partnership from a comprehensive partnership established in 2010 to a strategic partnership in 2015 to address evolving challenges and capitalize on emerging opportunities based on mutual benefit and respect for each other’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.
At the 2023 U.S.-Indonesia Ministerial Strategic Dialogue, Secretary Blinken and Minister Retno discussed progress in the bilateral relationship. In terms of political cooperation, both sides exchanged views on innovative means to elevate bilateral relations and build institutional connections. The two leaders focused on boosting economic cooperation, strengthening supply chains, advancing energy transition, and furthering maritime, health, and defense cooperation.
Secretary Blinken and Minister Retno also addressed regional and multilateral issues of common concern and interest, including Indonesia’s ASEAN Chairmanship and the U.S. support for the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP), the United States’ APEC host year, Myanmar, and Afghanistan.
In acknowledgement of the 75th Anniversary of U.S.-Indonesia Diplomatic Relations in 2024, both the United States and Indonesia will explore the possibility of further expanding the partnership.
Secretary Blinken and Minister Retno welcomed the arrangements that have been signed this year that advance bilateral relations, namely:
Agreement on Consular Privileges and Immunities
Framework Arrangement between the United States Department of Defense and the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Indonesia on Research, Recovery, Identification, and Repatriation of the Remains of Department of Defense Personnel from World War II in the Regency of Morotai Islands of the Republic of Indonesia
Finally, Secretary Blinken and Minister Retno appreciated the ongoing discussions to increase visa validity and stay permits for U.S. and Indonesian diplomats and official passport holders, respectively for five years.
Secretary Blinken and Minister Retno are committed to pursuing concrete steps as outlined in the dialogue and look forward to the next Strategic Dialogue.
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