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Assistant Secretary Witkowsky’s to Travel to Ghana

Office of the Spokesperson

Assistant Secretary of State for Conflict and Stabilization Operations (CSO) Anne A. Witkowsky will travel to Accra, Ghana, from May 25 to 27, 2022.

Assistant Secretary Witkowsky is visiting Accra on her first trip to Africa as CSO Assistant Secretary to underscore the importance of the U.S.-Ghana bilateral relationship. While there, the Assistant Secretary will meet with local and international counterparts as well as a diverse set of stakeholders to focus attention on regional, national, and locally driven initiatives for conflict prevention and peacebuilding. She will also explore a regional approach to strengthen partner-country capacity within Coastal West Africa as we jointly advance implementation of the U.S. Strategy to Prevent Conflict and Promote Stability, a key priority for the United States.

Finally, Assistant Secretary Witkowsky’s visit will highlight the importance of human security and the need for inclusive peacebuilding throughout the region.

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