
Dec 10, 20191 min

The Organization of American States’ Final Report of the Audit of the Elections in Bolivia

Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State

The United States commends the professional work of the Organization of American States (OAS) electoral audit mission in Bolivia.  The thorough investigation presented by the 36 experts of 18 nationalities underscores that ‘deliberate’ and ‘malicious’ actions were taken to rig Bolivia’s election in favor of former President Evo Morales.  This report offers 96 pages of evidence and over 500 pages of annexes to support its initial OAS findings after the October 20 election, including details on:

  • Two hidden servers used to process results that were not controlled by personnel of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), which made it possible to manipulate data and falsify tally sheets

  • Instances of two or more tally sheets filled out by the same person in hundreds of voting centers, as determined by calligraphy experts

  • Mathematical analysis demonstrating the overwhelming improbability that former President Morales achieved a victory over his opponents by the required margin without having manipulated the results

Based on the rigor of the independent report, the United States ultimately concurs with the report’s conclusion that “based on the overwhelming evidence found, what can be affirmed is that there has been a series of intentional operations aimed at altering the will expressed at the polls.”

We encourage Bolivia’s transitional government to continue its efforts to prepare for free, fair and transparent elections that reflect the will of the Bolivian people as quickly as possible.